Make History by Saving History
Our member’s support helps us empower Punta Gorda and Charlotte County to shape a more inclusive, resilient, and meaningful community culture through preservation. This is an existential time for our city in so many ways. Change is happening so quickly that it’s hard to keep up, especially when it impacts the places we love. This makes our work more important than ever, because if the Punta Gorda Historical Society isn’t here to do this, who will?
Will you rise to the challenge by joining or renewing your membership today? Your support makes our nonprofit’s work possible, while we are blessed with several organizations dedicated to preserving and promoting our historic character and heritage, the Punta Gorda Historical Society is unique in its mission: Our mission is to protect significant historic properties representing our diverse cultural experience by taking direct action and inspiring broad public support. And how do we do it? By fostering a deep sense of community, commitment, and passion for saving these historic houses, buildings, and neighborhoods.
PGHS owns two properties which are on the National Register of Historic Places, the Woman’s Club, and the Train Depot. We also lease History Park from the City to house four (4) of our historic buildings. PGHS is rededicating itself to protecting these assets both fiscally and physically. Your support also provides the financial stability necessary to plan for restoration, expansion, growth, and innovation.
We have a lot to do in the coming years to ensure the preservation of the neighborhoods and city we love, and we can’t do it without you! Working together will give us access to the tools and resources to stand up for our history and play an active role in reshaping our future.
As a current member, we trust you will rejoin the effort to preserve and protect what makes Punta Gorda a unique, charming, livable city. If you are considering joining as a new member, we welcome your energy, passion, and support of our mission. Members are the lifeblood of the Punta Gorda Historical Society, and we are grateful for your support.
Membership Applications can be found . Please mail your application with check: The Punta Gorda Historical Society, 118 Sullivan Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950.
Punta Gorda Historical Society
Volunteer Opportunities
A variety of opportunities are available to fit all interests and schedules. Volunteers assist with special events and programs, park maintenance and gardening, and much more. Hours are flexible!
If you'd like to learn more, please contact Punta Gorda Historical Society. Phone: 941.639.1887, Email: Website:
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